Certificate in Culinary Skills

Food and Beverage Course in Singapore

Cooking courses in Singapore provide excellent opportunities for professionals to enhance their food and beverage skills. As trends evolve and consumer preferences shift, continuous improvement is crucial in Singapore’s F&B industry to remain competitive.

ICASTEC is a culinary school in Singapore committed to empowering talented culinary professionals through creative teaching approaches. ICASTEC focuses on offering food and beverage courses to help individuals gain practical skills and knowledge to succeed in the ever-changing F&B industry. 

Find out how you can enhance your baking and cooking skills with our range of short courses in Singapore that not only promote advancement but also foster innovation and creativity in the kitchen.

Short Courses: Baking Courses in Singapore

Mastering fundamental baking techniques cultivates a skill set that resonates with Singapore’s vibrant food culture. From traditional pastries to contemporary desserts, proficiency in baking not only enhances your artistic skills but also opens doors to lucrative career opportunities in the thriving baking industry.

Short Baking Courses Available in ICASTEC

Asian Pastries Course

Learn the art of delicate folding and intricate filling techniques for Asian pastries

Bread Making Course

Master the science of yeast fermentation and dough kneading for fluffy loaves

Biscuit Making Course

Understand what goes behind creating the perfect balance of crispiness and flavour in every biscuit

Tart Making

Develop your skills in pastry filling preparation and exquisite tart assembly

Pizza Making

Discover the secrets behind crafting the perfect pizza base and sauce

Participants of these short courses in Singapore will learn the intricacies of dough preparation, frosting techniques and decorative embellishments to refine their baking prowess and embark on a fulfilling journey in cafes and coffee houses.

Short Courses: Cooking Courses in Singapore

Mastering fundamental cooking techniques is essential in the culinary world, especially in Singapore where gastronomy thrives. Acquiring these skills lays a strong foundation for aspiring chefs, enabling them to create diverse and exquisite dishes that cater to the multicultural palate of the region.

Short Cooking Courses Offered by ICASTEC

Peranakan Dishes

Learn the intricate balance of spices and flavours

Thai Cuisine

Master the art of balancing sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavours

Italian Mediterranean Cuisine

Perfect pasta making and sauce pairing techniques

Indian Cuisine

Understand the importance of flavour layering with the use of spices and herbs

Local Singaporean Cuisine

Explore the rich heritage of Singaporean dishes and various cooking methods

These cooking courses in Singapore are led by notable chefs and culinary experts who will guide you into the nuances of flavour profiling, knife skills and plating aesthetics to prepare students for entry into restaurants.

Advantages of Short Courses in Singapore 

Short courses in Singapore offer numerous benefits, appealing to diverse learning needs.

Flexibility in Scheduling and Duration

With flexible scheduling, individuals can balance learning with other commitments. These courses typically span a few weeks, making them ideal for those with busy lifestyles.


Short courses are cost-effective, making quality education accessible without the hefty price tag associated with long-term programmes.

Tailored Curriculum

Courses such as food and beverage courses or pastry courses in Singapore provide tailored curriculum, ensuring learners acquire targeted skills to excel in their chosen field.

Industry-relevant Skills and Knowledge

Short courses focus on imparting practical, industry-relevant skills and knowledge, empowering learners to quickly apply what they have learned in real-world scenarios.

For individuals seeking specialised training in areas like cooking or baking, these short courses in Singapore can offer a convenient and efficient way to gain expertise in their chosen field.

Enrol in Short Courses in Singapore with ICASTEC

In the fast-paced food and beverage industry, the pursuit of culinary excellence is an ongoing journey fueled by passion and dedication. Elevate your skills with ICASTEC’s pastry and cooking courses in Singapore, tailored for culinary and baking enthusiasts. Enrol today to refine your craft and stay ahead in this dynamic field!


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