Enrolment Procedures
Step 1: Compile Required Documents
For application to be processed, the following documents are required:
- Completed application form
- Birth Certificate (with Parent’s names indicated)
- Education Qualification Certificate
- Testimonials from previous employers, where applicable
- Financial Statement
- Photocopy of Passport
- 1 Passport Size Photographs
Acceptance of enrolment is subject to submission of documents as stated above.
Applications are to be sent to ICAS Training and Education College (ICASTEC) Pte Ltd.
Step 2: Application
Upon receipt of application documents, you are required to send a non– non-refundable application fee of S$327.00 (inclusive of 9% GST) to ICASTEC.
Modes of Payment
There are a few ways to make payment:
- Cash
- Cheque – Note: Cheque is to be made in Singapore
- Telegraphic Transfer
- Pay Now
Account Details of ICAS Training & Education College
Account: ICAS Training & Education College (ICASTEC) Pte Ltd
Account No: 010-903128-6
Currency: SGD
Bank Code: 7171
Branch Code: 010
Swift Code: DBSSSGSG
Branch Name: DBS South Bridge
Address: DBS Bank Ltd, 12 Marina Boulevard, DBS Asia Central,
Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982
Fee Protection Scheme-Group (FPS-G)
As required under the EduTrust for Singapore private school, ICASTEC has signed up with Lonpac Insurance Bhd for fee protection insurance scheme.
The FPS serves to protect the student’s fees in the event that ICASTEC is unable to continue operations due to insolvency, and/or regulatory closure. In addition, the FPS protects the student if the PEI fails to pay penalties or return fees to the student arising from judgments made against it by the Singapore courts.
School Fee Payment
Students shall make payment only after signing contract and to make course fee payment to school based on the Instalment Schedule shown in the student contract.
Insurance Scheme
The school shall ensure clear communication and verification fee protection as follows:
- Students are briefed on FPS-G at pre-course counselling and orientation briefing sessions
- The school shall monitor school fee payment and consolidate the information after receipt of school fee payment from student.
- Upload the excel reporting file with information of the previous month’s fee collection within the first 11 calendar days of the following month.
- Upload file by 10pm of the day and check on uploaded file status via ‘view upload file status’ for processed or rejected files the following day.Check if re-uploading of amended rejected records are required and ensure all fee collections are successfully declared via the system.
- By the 11th day of each month, you are required to login to the system and click on ‘NIL Declaration’ if there is no fee collection or declaration for the preceding month.
Please click on the button to download the Lonpac Insurance Certificate. Download
ICASTEC has appointed NTUC INCOME INSURANCE CO-OPERATIVE LIMITED as the medical insurance provider. This is a Group Hospitalisation and Surgical Insurance Policy, and it is compulsory for international students, and optional for local students.
- Registered Students during the duration of course (contract)
- 24-hour Medical insurance coverage (for school related activities):
- Coverage limit of SGD 20,000 per student(B2 Ward in Government Hospital)
- Surgery
- Hospitalisation
- Claim Procedure
- Claim Form
- Original receipt
- Paid by student first
- Subject to approval by insurance company

Student who is in need should contact school emergency phone number for advice. The school shall do the followings:
- Advise the student on entitlement and procedure
- Issue school letter for hospital pertaining to student status and medical insurance certificate
- Serve as contact point for the hospital until student is discharged